Rough Trade Calendar

Published 1 August, 2019; last updated on 16 May, 2020.
I’m a huge fan of the gigs Rough Trade put on in their East London shop, and I’ve been lucky enough to see some pretty amazing shows there:
- Idles in September 2018 was an amazing experience which introduced me to the lovely AF GANG;
- Rough Trade Presents in January introduced me to Penelope Isles, one of my new favourite bands; and
- Part Chimp in April 2017 was brutal and wonderful.
I decided to build a service which keeps me up-to-date with their upcoming events—introducing Rough Trade Calendar.
The site offers three ways of viewing upcoming events:
a web page;
an iCalendar feed you can subscribe to in your calendar app; and
an RSS feed you can use to get notified when new events are listed.
I’ve been using IFTTT to email me whenever a new event is added to this feed.
I’d love to hear if you find this useful! Please get in touch to let me know.