A quick note to help others using Juniper, a Rust GraphQL library

Published 19 February, 2020.

TL;DR: panicked at 'resolve() must be implemented by non-object output types' might just mean that your GraphQL query is badly formatted.

I’ve been spending some time with Rust recently, using it to build a GraphQL API.

It’s been a steep learning curve, but one I was enjoying until I started getting this error:

thread '…' panicked at 'resolve() must be implemented by non-object output types', …/juniper/src/types/async_await.rs:44:13

Googling found barely any mention of this error message outside of Juniper’s source code.

It took quite a bit of pairing and rubber-duck debugging to figure out what this message meant, but it turns out that it was because my GraphQL query was badly formatted; instead of this:

  products(searchTerm: "cool products") {
    pageInfo {
    edges {
      node {

…I was just asking for pageInfo.

  products(searchTerm: "cool products") {
    edges {
      node {

The GraphiQL interface was able to automatically correct a similar errors with edges or node, but there’s some magic1 missing from my implementation of pageInfo which doesn’t allow for the same.